Ted Faro mbti kişilik türü


"Ted Faro hangi kişilik türü? Ted Faro, MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 387 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEN, SLOEN, büyük 5, LIE' dır."


Theodor "Ted" Faro (born December 24, 2013)[1] is the overarching antagonist of Horizon Zero Dawn and a minor antagonist in Horizon Forbidden West. Ted was the founder, owner, and chairman of the robotics and technology corporation Faro Automated Solutions (FAS). His business savvy allowed him to build FAS into the most successful and influential corporation of all time, becoming world famous for its automated platforms ranging from personal servants to military technology. However, his greed, recklessness and lack of foresight led to the extinction of all life on Earth via an advanced military platform, also known as the Faro Plague, whose design and development he personally conceived and oversaw. #CompleteMonster

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