Kuon Shinzaki mbti kişilik türü


"Kuon Shinzaki hangi kişilik türü? Kuon Shinzaki, MBTI, 2w3 - so/sx - 296 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, SLUAI, SLUAI, büyük 5, ' dır."

Jesus Christ I finished the anime and she WAS SO ANNOYING IN THE LAST EP Like I tried to like her but OML LITERALLY EVERYONE—HER COMRADES WERE FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES MEANWHILE SHE’S DAYDREAMING BOUT WEDDING MR.MASK ASKHKASSKHADK WITH THE STUPID CHURCH BELL but other than that, I think she’s ESFJ since her Fe is very obvious w her wanting world peace and reuniting everyone like Yuri. In the anime, Yuri, being ENFJ, states that kuon is very similar to her. She’s not INFP/ENFP because her fi is nonexistent


A mysterious and sweet girl who turns out to be immune to masks, since she is a Person Who Became Closer To God. Sniper Mask decides to help her find Yuri, so she can have a group and not be alone.
