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  3. Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer mbti kişilik türü


"Goblin Slayer hangi kişilik türü? Goblin Slayer, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 614 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCOEN, RCOEN, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

well first of all Ti is very obvious. not only because he is always keen on coming up with strategies, but his inclination to collect knowledge and ask how something works. some people may mistake this as Ne, but its Ti because he is trying to draw connections and create a system of knowledge that works for all of his adventures. Those with strong Ti will also have an inclination to create rules or generalities (especially when they have Ni in their stack but ill get to that) which can easily be seen in his knowledge of goblins and explanations on why things needs to be done. We also clearly see budding Fe as the season goes on. He lacks knowhow of social interaction despite wanting to connect with people. at the end of the goblin crown movie he even states that he enjoys hanging around his friends. We also see Fe because he often is prone to ask others for knowledge. to add on to that, those with Te wouldn't go out of their way to learn things that are likely to be unnecessary, such as ice cream, the canary from the miners etc. Se is there outside of just fighting everyone. and sword man. he is also very forceful about his solutions and the implementation of them. Those with Se arent necessarily aggressive people, they just are motivated or willful. the fact he has already decided on doing a quest without discussion is Se. Ni is prevalent in his creativity of strategy and ideas. the third function in mbti is often seen as the favorite function for an individual. or something they use for recreation. this is because it pairs with their dominate function so well. his creativity of strategy and his creativity in small ventures are very Ni. and not something someone with Fi would be doing for fun, or as a down time. perceivers can be diligent and hard working as well so thats a horrible stereotype. honestly the fact he isnt working for some greater goal outside of hunting goblins is much more perceiver like than judger like.


Goblin Slayer (ゴブリンスレイヤー, Goburin Sureiyā) is the series' titular main character. He is an experienced silver-ranked Adventurer who mainly concerns himself with hunting Goblins. Goblin Slayer is a stoic and calm person who is generally unable to devote himself to the majority of things outside of goblin slaying. Because of this, he lacks the ability to understand certain social norms and doesn't notice the affections of those around him. His companions work to help him overcome this, but the process is difficult and arduous. His most defining traits are his immense hatred towards goblins and his homicidal obsession with killing them all. These traits stem from two places: to prevent what happened to his village from happening to others and to get revenge by eliminating every single member of their race. #YuichiroUmehara

Goblin Slayer 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
