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Chiyuki (Kurokami no Onna) mbti kişilik türü

Chiyuki (Kurokami no Onna) mbti kişilik türü image


"Chiyuki (Kurokami no Onna) hangi kişilik türü? Chiyuki (Kurokami no Onna), MBTI, 4w5 - sp/so - 495 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RLUAI, RLUAI, büyük 5, EII' dır."

Okay, don't read my old comment. It was badly written, badly explain, and overall bad comment lol (and I won't promise that this would be better, but just less sh*tty ig) tbh, this character throughout the show revolves around Fi-Ne-Si quite clearly. Not to mention that the girl doesn't show that much Ni-Fe to me. Ne is about curiosity, possibilities, and the outer world's pattern, working along with Si which evolves past experiences and nostalgic feeling, then serves Fi. And that kind of working stack bring out repeatedly throughout Chiyuki's ark. Especially the skating scene, Chiyuki in that time thinking about the nostalgic feelings when she skates, the memory, the things that remain in her feeling, cuz it's something that makes her happy, drowning in the emotion of the past that replays in her mind. Not to mention that she seems to not be pleased about forgetting who she is, wanting to remember something, anything about herself, that screams Fi to me. About her Ne, this is just imo, when Nona bring her to Quindecim, on the way, when she follows Nona, she seems pretty curious and a little amazed by the unrecognizable environment, pretty aloof and detached from reality like something's going on in her head, caused Nona to call her when she's too slow. That happens a lot when people that have high Ne finding a new place, along with Si that makes them explore the meaning, the nostalgic feeling, and just determine the area with our eyes and head only, it's enough to fulfill the feeling. That probably happens in Chiyuki's head in that scene.


Chiyuki (Kurokami no Onna) 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
