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Charizard (Lizardon) mbti kişilik türü

Charizard (Lizardon) mbti kişilik türü image


"Charizard (Lizardon) hangi kişilik türü? Charizard (Lizardon), MBTI, 8w7 - sx/sp - 837 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, RLUEN, RLUEN, büyük 5, LIE' dır."

A Stereotype of a ESTJ lol


Charizard flies in search of powerful opponents to battle, and its fire will burn hotter as it gains experience. Its fiery breath is capable of melting boulders, massive glaciers, and has been known to accidentally cause forest fires. Though its fiery breath is hot, it never turns it on any opponent weaker than itself. Charizard typically inhabits mountains and valleys, such as the Charicific Valley in Johto. The anime has shown that only a weak Charizard would show off its power. It also showed that Charizard can swim underwater, with Pokémon Origins further showing that the flame on the tip of the tail can still keep burning underwater. The wings of Charizard can carry to an altitude of 4,600 feet (1,400 meters). #ShinichiroMiki

Charizard (Lizardon) 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
