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Kelsey Kreppel mbti kişilik türü


"Kelsey Kreppel hangi kişilik türü? Kelsey Kreppel, MBTI, 2w3 - so/sp - 271 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, SCOAI, SCOAI, büyük 5, ESE' dır."

I see Ne, not dom but she comes across as an Ne user more than Ni. It’s likely developed so Si-Ne can be interchangeable in terms of her behavior and the impression she gives off. Not to mention SF’s have interests regarding “popularity” in the sensory world (for lack of better words), whether that be materials or people, Kelsey is very in tune with making judgements and observing the world of the well known, with her consistent reviews of famous figures and fashion shows, rather than an NF being considerably more personal and existential when it comes to value (F) systems. She tends to refer back to known information (“That kind of reminds me of...”) but will still bounce between that and complete and hilariously abstract ideas Cody brings to the table.


Kelsey Kreppel (born September 24, 1993) is an American social media personality who is known for her self-titled Instagram account.
