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Brian Jones mbti kişilik türü


"Brian Jones hangi kişilik türü? Brian Jones, MBTI, 5w4 - sx/sp - 584 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

INTJ makes much more sense than INFJ. In the early days of the Stones, Jones acted as the band's manager, and routinely paid himself more than the others, his reasoning being that since he was doing more work, he should get more money. This is an EXTREMELY Te approach--it makes a great deal of sense from a rational, objective standpoint, but it doesn't take others' feelings into account at all. An INFJ, while likely to understand where he was coming from due to Ni's ability to see things from different perspectives, would have been much more concerned with how something like this would affect group dynamics.


Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones (28 February 1942 – 3 July 1969) was an English musician, best known as the founder and the original leader of the Rolling Stones. Initially a slide guitarist, Jones would go on to play a wide variety of instruments on Rolling Stones recordings and in concerts, such as rhythm and lead guitar, various keyboard instruments such as piano and organ, marimba, harmonica, sitar, wind instruments such as recorder, saxophone and numerous others.
