Credo mbti kişilik türü


"Credo hangi kişilik türü? Credo, MBTI, 1w9 - so/sp - 136 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOAN, RCOAN, büyük 5, LSE' dır."

He's pretty easy to type.


The well-respected Supreme General of the Holy Knights of Fortuna, a position he gained through his incredible skill with a blade and his unwavering loyalty to the Order of the Sword and its ideals. Likewise, he holds the same loyalty for Sanctus and his teachings. He is the older brother of Kyrie and treats Nero as family, despite not agreeing with Nero's lifestyle habits. When demons attack Fortuna, Credo leaves the task of demon-slaying to Nero. Behind the scenes, he is plotting with Sanctus as well as overseeing the situation regarding Dante. He also expresses mixed concern behind the motives of Gloria. Eventually, he is charged with the job of defeating Nero. In the conclusion of their fight, Kyrie is kidnapped by Agnus, a move that shakes Credo's faith in the Order. He makes one final charge against Sanctus later on to free Nero, but things end bleakly. In his dying plea, he requests that Dante save Nero and his beloved sister.

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