Norman Osborn mbti kişilik türü


"Norman Osborn hangi kişilik türü? Norman Osborn, MBTI, 3w2 - so/sp - 386 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SCOEI, SCOEI, büyük 5, LIE' dır."

Norman isn't a LIE. His whole schtick is that he understands power structures and knows how to control massive organizations to improve his own status and to pursue his interests. That's classic Beta ST stuff, it isn't something that Gamma NTs are good at. Furthermore, we have seen that Norman isn't much of a scientist or a researcher. His focus isn't on fundamental research or pure science. This is a guy who has a keen understanding of science and is a competent engineer/scientist but for him science is a means to an end. For Norman everything is a means to an end and that end goal is gaining power and control. It has been shown throughout the franchise that Norman is a very logical type of guy who is good at playing the long game in order to gain power. He used Otto masterfully to build Oscorp and after Otto left he took meticulous steps to make sure he wouldn't gain prominence again by manipulating power structures to keep Otto down. Additionally for decades he has been manipulating crime bosses like Fisk to further his own agenda while obtaining more political power and control over the city. Norman also masterfully used Oscorp's power to conduct his own unethical research and managed to avoid the consequences of developing the Devil's Breath virus and creating Mister Negative. All of this suggests that Norman is a master of understanding power and manipulating structures in order to further his own agenda. There is a mastery of structural logic and power sensing within Norman's psyche. Beta ST makes far more sense than Gamma NT for Norman. My guess is that he's a LSI-D.


Norman Osborn is a prominent character in the Marvel's Spider-Man series, and the owner, leader and CEO of Oscorp who hides his past behind a wall of lies. In the first game's main storyline, he is the mayor of New York City. Norman is a selfish, ruthless, arrogant, and corrupt businessman, craftily disguised behind a political mask. He usually lies very often to hide his crimes, with this characteristic being one of the reasons that many of his rivals, such as Otto Octavius and Martin Li, hated him. A man of considerable wealth, he often spends money illegally for his own interests and abuses his position, violating citizens' rights to hire a private military group in place of the PDNY or carry out clandestine experiments. Norman has a powerful self-righteous streak, refusing to accept responsibility for his mistakes. Despite his ruthless nature, he deeply loves his son and deeply loved his deceased wife, and possibly cares about those close to him or his family.

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