Haytham Kenway mbti kişilik türü


"Haytham Kenway hangi kişilik türü? Haytham Kenway, MBTI, 1w9 - sp/so - 154 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, LSI' dır."

Haytham from AC: Forsaken strikes me as an INTJ over an ENTJ. And considering that the book is canon, it gives it more ground for his type. While he seems quick in the game, in the book, he comes off as less sharp-witted and more emotional. Rational, yet emotive. He is driven, passionate and reserved; yet also static and reflective, bit differently as the games have portrayed (credit to Adrian Hough, his VA, for sharpening Haytham's character). There's always an effort to be inexpressive, often feeling his lack of confidence and emotionality, yet choosing not to let it show. Snippets from the book: ♜ I smiled back, trying to look more confident than I felt, and raised the amulet, starting again. ♜ I did or said nothing to betray my emotions on seeing the letter. ♜ [On Ziio] Do I love her? That question I find difficult to answer. All I knew was that I enjoyed being with her and came to treasure the time we spent together. She sees her place as with her people, protecting her land—land they feel is under threat from people like me. And I, too, have a responsibility to my people. The tenets of my Order, are they in line with the ideals of her tribe? I’m not sure that they are. Asked to choose between Ziio and the ideals I have been brought up to believe, which would I choose? ♜Lee: “Perhaps you are enjoying life here with your Indian woman [Ziio], suspended between two worlds, responsible to neither. It must be nice to take such a holiday . . .” “Careful, Charles,” I warned. Suddenly aware that he looked down on me, I stood to meet his eye, to be on more equal terms. “Perhaps instead of concerning yourself with my activities, you should concentrate on your own. Tell me, how are matters in Boston?” ♜Haytham: “We will enrage the natives if we begin setting up camp in their lands.” Charles gave me a look as though I had taken leave of my senses. Of course. What did we, the Templars, care about upsetting a few natives? ♜“I’ve been thinking about the site,” I said quickly. “Somehow it seems less important now . . .” I looked off into the distance. “Something else you plan to neglect?” he asked impertinently. “I’m warning you . . .” I said, and flexed my fingers. He cast a look around the camp. “Where is she anyway? Your Indian . . . lover?” “Nowhere you need concern yourself with, Charles, and I would thank you to remove that tone from your voice when you speak of her in the future, else I might find myself compelled to remove it forcibly.” ♜ If I was a little too philosophical when it came to William’s death, well, there were extenuating factors. William, though diligent in his work and dedicated, was never the most good-humoured of people and, by meeting a situation that called for diplomacy with force, he’d made a pig’s ear of the negotiations. Though it pains me to say it, he’d been the architect of his own downfall, and I’m afraid I’ve never been one for tolerating incompetence: not as a young man... and now, having passed my fiftieth birthday, even less so. ♜I turned to Charles. “He’s asking for you, then. Do you know who it is?” “No.” But there was something shifty about the way he said it. “I’ll try again, Charles. Do you have a suspicion who this boy might be?” He leaned back in his seat and looked away, across the tavern. “I don’t think so,” he said. “But you’re not sure?” “There was a boy at . . .” An uncomfortable silence seemed to descend on the table. The men either reached for their tankards or hunched their shoulders or found something to study in the fire nearby. None would meet my eye. “How about somebody tells me what’s going on?” I asked. These men—not one of them was a tenth of the man Holden had been. I was sick of them, I realized, heartily sick of them. And my feelings were about to intensify. ♜About five, I thought. I had a vision of Ziio, of the face I’d once loved, when I was capable of doing such a thing, and felt a dull backwash of grief for her and loathing for Washington. It is only when Charles persistently pokes at Haytham does he begin to feel the need to use force. It's clear that he feels a certain way, being blunt but also clearly caring. He's also irritated beyond measure when things regarding the Mohawks come up, even with Charles' attitude towards him in matters concerning them. It's the culmination of all these that builds up into a fierce reaction from Haytham, but he's tolerant until then. Then, he absolutely explodes. Additionally, he seems to continually be assessing how he feels and reflecting on himself. A very strong emotional process that is hidden from the outside, but still felt strongly and thought about deeply. It doesn't show in the game, but it certainly does in the book. In the games, details are less obvious, since we can't fully see what Haytham is thinking. He comes off as more 'cool' in the way he holds himself. My vote to INTJ, at least by how (canonically) Haytham is portrayed.


Haytham E. Kenway (1725 – 1781) was the first Grand Master of the Templar Order's Colonial Rite, reigning from 1754 until his death in 1781, whereupon he was succeeded by Charles Lee. Beginning as a vengeful young man, Haytham was molded by his mentor Birch into a killer with a code. He initially tried to reconcile his Templar beliefs with his Assassin heritage, and hoped to unite the two Orders, but would eventually abandon these ideals and become a devout believer in the Templar ideology, eventually ascending to the position of Grand Master. Haytham, as a man who lived in service to his ideals and in humanity, was fully convinced that bringing order, purpose, and direction would benefit mankind in the long run, and tirelessly endeavored to fulfill the Templar vision. Charismatic, erudite, and level-headed, Haytham acted with authority and was a natural leader. Under his direction, the Colonial Rite flourished, eventually purging North America of most Assassin presence.
