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Dr. Pomatter mbti kişilik türü

Dr. Pomatter mbti kişilik türü image


"Dr. Pomatter hangi kişilik türü? Dr. Pomatter, MBTI, 2w3 - - 269 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEN, RLOEN, büyük 5, LII' dır."

i definitely see him as a 2w3 over a type 6. also, he's definitely got type 9 in his tritype rather than type 1 ! i'm in between 269 and 279 he's driven by the need to help people by any means necessary, and its because he feels that his wife is self-sufficient and no longer needs him anymore that he starts his affair with jenna, who does need some form of support. which is pretty type 2 ! also, i very much see ENFJ over INTP !

