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Fighter mbti kişilik türü


"Fighter hangi kişilik türü? Fighter, MBTI, 8w7 - - 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, SLUEN, SLUEN, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

While I could agree from an egoistic Fi point of view, which suits ESFP naturally, I tend to see warriors rather fighting for an external cause than a cause of their own, so I bet Fe over Fi (which could point out to an alignment serviency). I must say ESFP is a reasonable bet too since it picks Fi and Fe on equal, opposing amounts, while ESTP would be Fi blind spot, so yeah, this one kinda tricky. In a certain extent, I can see both.


Other Names: Warrior, Soldier. In any game with classes, one of them will always map to the Fighter. The Fighter is the tank of a group and the most basic and broad class, usually recommended for beginners. The fighter is basically, the strong guy with heavy armor, a large melee weapon, and possibly a shield or second melee weapon. Compared to the other classes, Fighters tend to be powerful but slow. Variations include: Barbarian, Knight, Swashbuckler, Paladin, Dark Knight, Dragon Knight, Samurai, and Warlord.
