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John Lydon “Johnny Rotten” mbti kişilik türü

John Lydon “Johnny Rotten” mbti kişilik türü image


"John Lydon “Johnny Rotten” hangi kişilik türü? John Lydon “Johnny Rotten”, MBTI, 6w7 - sx/so - 684 'de ENTP kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, ILE' dır."

”i haven’t written the ultimate song yet - i only have 40-odd years of doing it, not enough to hone your skills and tell the truth in the most accurate way you can. everything and everyone around me is an influence. every single situation - it’s called experience. i might as well comment on it as honestly as i can, and i do. it’s the way i buy books or records, i want to hear other people’s opinions. it’s how i make sense of the world - through a consortium of ideas.” - i’ve just read this quote and it looked so ENTP to me i had to write a comment about it. and since i’m already writing it, i’m just going to explain the rest of my mbti vote as well (the ti part more specifically, since i think the ne part is pretty obvious). i’m surprised that people see no fe in him, given how much emphasis he constantly puts on empathy as both the focus point in his life and the basis of punk. “you couldn’t write the songs I do without having some consideration for your fellow human beings. the media at the time viewed my stuff as foul-mouthed this, that and the other … no, no, no, no, it’s all from a point of empathy.” “my whole life I can’t bear the thought of somebody suffering.” these are the first quotes i could find rn, but there are many variations of them both in his interviews (which tbh i don’t feel like going through again in order to write this) and the “punk” documentary series, where he makes a good point about punk actually being all about empathy. in another interview about his wife, nora, he mentioned that he feels that he’s a natural caretaker (i think he used the phrase “male nurse”, actually), ever since he had to take care of his siblings whenever his mum was sick during his childhood and teenage years. this could be tertiary fe that was early developed due to his circumstances of living. i know that he isn’t either agreeable or particularly nice, but remember that fe is only his tertiary function, mostly developed in later years of his life, and there’s still a great amount of ti he turns to before fe. also, he just treats people the way they treat him, or the way he senses their attitude towards him is. i'll continue in a reply to this comment because of the character limit.


Lead singer of the band Sex Pistols and company Public Image Ltd. Also known as Johnny Rotten.

John Lydon “Johnny Rotten” 'a benzer kişiler Müzik
