Haida mbti kişilik türü


"Haida hangi kişilik türü? Haida, MBTI, 6w7 - sp/so - 694 'de ISFP kişilik türüdür, RLUAN, RLUAN, büyük 5, SEI' dır."

If this doesn't sound like Te grip, I don't know what does... SEASON 4 EPISODE 9 SPOILERS R: What do you do at the office so late? H: Uh... You know, a lot of different stuff. I'm a director now, so lots of odds and ends. R: You're not doing anything weird, are you? H: Weird? Like What? R: Like... Window dressing? H: Hahaha.. That's hilarious! No way! If I did that, I would ruin the company's reputation. I'd be in huge trouble too [Trying to defend himself using a consequence of objective fact.] R: Yeah, why would you? [Retsuko using Fe-Ti, knowing Haida's behavior and noticing how it interferes with her logical framework.. It seems out of Haida's character to do something immoral based on her judgement.] H: I'm thinking about the future and my success. I'm trying to make things better. [Haida using Fi-Te, thinking about how the circumstances will benefit him and the business objectively. This fulfills his need to appeal to his Fi feeling and Te belief system.] R: But you look so unhappy... [Retsuko, trying to empathize with him using her Fe.] H: Not everything can be fun! I'm an adult! If I say I'm thinking about things, then I am! [Under pressure, recognizes the fact that focusing on success is essential as an adult] Haida (presumably ISFP) is being manipulated by Himuro (who is presumably ENTJ), who puts Haida in immense stress and nearly uses him as a scapegoat for illegal practices for the sake of practicality


In the TBS series, Haida is a spotted hyena and is a chick magnet who uses his looks to attract his female co-workers into doing his work for him. In the Netflix web series, however, Haida is a close friend to Retsuko and Fenneko. He tends to be paranoid about a lot of things and is easily flustered, especially over Retsuko, whom he also has feelings for. Known as Heinrich in the fansubs for the TBS shorts.

Haida 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
