Raven mbti kişilik türü


"Raven hangi kişilik türü? Raven, MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 548 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

I see Ni in her because she does have hunches about the future that turn out to be right. For example, when Terra was introduced, Raven was able to see how she was plotting something and she turned out to be right even when the other Titans could not see it and told her that she was just jealous. I saw a small amount of Fi in her because she follows her own internal morals and stays true to herself. I can see a little bit of Ti, but I think she is an INTJ. Conclusion: She could be an INTJ/ISTP. (Feel free to correct me, I am still a beginner in typing people) _______________________ EDIT :: more INTJ arguments because I just re-watched the show <3 Ni - she does have hunches about the future that turn out to be right. For example, when Terra was introduced, Raven was able to see how she was plotting something and she turned out to be right even when the other Titans could not see it and told her that she was just jealous. There are a lot of times where she's been right and the others think she's wrong. She also thinks about the future (Think About The Future) and ensures her plans are thorough (Operation Dude Rescue) Te - Raven is fairly logical at times like in 'Lication' where she knew for a fact that the shareconomy thing was wrong and she used some facts (external logic) Fi - Raven likes being left alone and do her own thing. She likes to stay true to herself and follow her own values. For example, when she just wants to be a hero and fights against her father pressuring her to be a full-on demon. She has inner emotions that she has a hard time expressing and keeps to herself like when she wanted her father to love her (Caramel Apples) Se - Raven's writing is mostly inconsistent (same for Robin) and while she remains apathetic to what is happening around her, in some episodes, she has shown a lot of Se. I personally think she uses more of it to get along with her friends who are high Ne/Se users (Robin's Tert Ne is super developed for a lower Ne user) and they probably influenced her but she thinks more about the future and is far less impulsive than all that other Titans.


The bitter, sarcastic half-demon member of the Teen Titans. She's a huge fan of Pretty Pretty Pegasus and is a mutual love interest of Beast Boy's. Despite being the foil to her friends' antics, she can get mixed in too.
