Krishna mbti kişilik türü


"Krishna hangi kişilik türü? Krishna, MBTI, - - 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

Krishna is More like E3 rather than E2, The simple way to differentiate between E3 and E2 characters is to look at the way the character thinks and interacts with other people, if he uses his own goals for other people then he is E2, if he uses other people for his own goals then he is e3, Krishna in SMT IV Apocalypse is a typical character who doesn't care who he sacrifices, because he believed and obsessed to his "Salvation" plan. He believe everything would end the same in his plan of salvation


A divine hero of Hindu mythology. He is the eighth avatar of Vishnu, who is said to appear whenever the world is at risk. Name is sometimes translated as "all-attractive." Raised by cow herders. As a boy, he would play his flute, causing women to flock to him. As an adult, he became a great tactician. Shot in the back of the leg by mistake by a hunter named Jara.

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