Juan Rainer mbti kişilik türü


"Juan Rainer hangi kişilik türü? Juan Rainer, MBTI, 7w8 - so/sx - 783 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

One of the greatest case of mistyping on this site. ESTJ? This man reeks of Se and Ti. Se- His entire character is about his extravagance and love for luxury. “Monsieur Rainer is we known as a connoisseur of the finer things in life: food, drinks and pretty much anything that walks on two legs.” -Noelle “He scarfed down five courses and had a hot young woman at his side…He likes fine art, antiques…expensive shit from before the Fall.” -Lawan From his flamboyant attire and promiscuous nature to his drive for sensory satisfaction, that’s ESTP right there. Ti- He’s actually one of the first characters to point out Jack Matt’s shady business, he’s actually a lot deeper than he seems, even more obvious if you played his route. Heavy spoiler warning: In his choice he ordered Aiden to go on an espionage mission to uncover the major’s secrets and conspired against him acting as a double agent because he refused to believe Jack Matt is fighting for a greater cause. Which turns out his accusations were correct. He spent the entire game gathering evidences on his own and refused to believe anything but his inner logic, heavy Ti there. Fe- This one’s tricky I have to admit. Best example I can find: “Aww have I embarrassed you? I’m sorry I do have that effect on people.” -Juan Rainer after asking Aiden for a threesome. He doesn’t display healthy extroverted feelings but like any douchebag he uses them for manipulation. He’s cunning and always had a good read on people, from recognizing Aiden’s need for finding his sister to gaining trust, he’s the best bargaining candidate when it comes to diplomacy. Ni- I think this one is more obvious. He lacks foresight and intricate planning. The type to act on urges and instincts rather than complex reasoning. If you give the VNC tower to Jack Matt then there’s a scene of him getting publicly executed in front of the PKs for conspiring against the law, which shows that he decided to follow with his plan of spying on his own but lacked evidence leading to his untimely death. Literally died due to messing around and ill planning. Average #ESTP shit. In conclusion he’s is one of the best characters in the game and definitely my favorite among all characters from the franchise. Easily a 10/10. Hope you had fun reading my over analyzing comment.


one of the main characters of Dying Light 2

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