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Leif Axelsson mbti kişilik türü

Leif Axelsson mbti kişilik türü image


"Leif Axelsson hangi kişilik türü? Leif Axelsson, MBTI, 6w7 - sx/sp - 684 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, SCUEN, SCUEN, büyük 5, SLE' dır."


Leif Axelsson (born Leif Nystrøm; 14 February 2004). He was born in Kiruna and lives in Hellir. He was adopted at the age of 5 by Sverre and Eiko Axelsson. He graduated from the Hellir school. An employee of Curb bar. Bassist of the band Søppelhaug. Mixed magician on Eosforite.

Leif Axelsson 'e benzer karakterler Web Comics
