Kiku Hoshimi mbti kişilik türü


"Kiku Hoshimi hangi kişilik türü? Kiku Hoshimi, MBTI, 2w3 - sx/so - 268 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ESE' dır."


Kiku Hoshimi is a side character in Call of the Night. She is vampire who wants to turn Mahiru Seki to a vampire. She has an almost unpredictable personality, to the outside she seems nice and empathetic, and thereby also quickly becomes friends with Mahiru Seki, who meets her often due to his part-time job as a flower courier. She is the vampire with the most underlings, according to Hatsuka Suzushiro she has over 50 of them, although she often mentions that she doesn't really want to have underlings and accidentally transforms them. She usually abandons them after they turn into a vampire.

Kiku Hoshimi 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
