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Exclamation Mark mbti kişilik türü

Exclamation Mark mbti kişilik türü image


"Exclamation Mark hangi kişilik türü? Exclamation Mark, MBTI, 2w3 - sp/so - 279 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, SCUAN, SCUAN, büyük 5, ESE' dır."

update: Awww, they're a Sp2. How cute <3 "Your mind is so precious. You'll be born anew" Ain't, who voted Estp for Exclamation Mark? They're an obvious Fe-Ne user. especially to how they've been described in their wiki bio(alongside them being an obvious E2) "Exclamation Mark is a helpful, caring algebralien. He helps those in need. Although they sometimes act quite odd, they use their powerful abilities to comfort and help others"


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