Dr. Mary Malone mbti kişilik türü


"Dr. Mary Malone hangi kişilik türü? Dr. Mary Malone, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 592 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

Love to see an approachable, friendly, FEMALE INTP with incredibly balanced Si and Fe. (I love how Pullman subverted most stereotypes, but Mary Malone is definitely the best example!)


When Lyra first tracks down this "scholar" (in the parlance of Lyra's own world) in Will's Oxford, she's surprised to meet an eccentric woman instead of a grave and serious gentleman. But Mary Malone is a more than capable astrophysicist who knows about Dust, or Shadows, or Dark Matter, however-you-want-to-call-it. And when adventure calls, Mary answers it, and proves she has greater depths of ingenuity, courage and wonder than even she thought possible.
