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  3. Standard Royal Court

The Head of the Church mbti kişilik türü

The Head of the Church mbti kişilik türü image


"The Head of the Church hangi kişilik türü? The Head of the Church, MBTI, 1w2 - - 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


Might be called High Priest or Archbishop. This person holds allegiance to an higher authority than earthly kings, making their relationship with the king fraught. On the other hand, many religions either place the king at the head of the Church or consider him outright to be a living god, and even the ones that don't may allow the king to claim divine right to rule, in which case all is well. When the nation worships a pantheon, the king may have the fun task of balancing scheming high priests of several different gods without incurring any divine wrath. In some cases the head of the church is important enough to have a court of his own (e. g. medieval popes), in which case e. g. the king's own chaplain or confessor may assume the most influential clerical role in the royal court.
