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  3. Sym-Bionic Titan (2010)

Octus "Newton" Lunis mbti kişilik türü

Octus "Newton" Lunis mbti kişilik türü image


"Octus "Newton" Lunis hangi kişilik türü? Octus "Newton" Lunis, MBTI, 5w6 - so/sp - 521 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, ' dır."

Octus, he is an ISTJ and the reason is much more simplistic than it appears to be. Firstly, the Octus he has an endless range in his knowledge repertoire (due to the fact that he is an AI robot), he knows how to store and store information, managing to have a moral (tertiary fi) when he sees that something is not right when he has become paranoid seeing two beings in his room without authorization (which in this case was Lance and Ilana). Continuing: You already scolded Lance for wanting to venture out into the world as the ghost ninja, as he would be demeaning against his and Ilana's safety (and Octus himself), the same when I received gifts I was kind of silly (seeming to be INTP), in In short, Octus I see a lot as ISTJ, as I don't see IT in its stock of cognitive functions.


Octus is a high-tech bio-cybernetic robot sent to Earth along with Lance to protect Princess Ilana from her war-torn planet of Galaluna, and has a variety of powers on hand in order to do so. He was created by The King. He is known to be the "Mind" of the group.

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