Andre mbti kişilik türü


"Andre hangi kişilik türü? Andre, MBTI, 5w6 - - 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, ' dır."


Andre is a dark orange stick figure from Fluidanims and created by Stone. Andre is the first of the official Rock Hard Gladiators from FA. He created FA and started the RHG crusade with FLLFFL and the RHG tournament. Andre, 26. Was born in sheer mayhem, raised in crucible of struggle and anguish. He fought his way through his life as an underdog, just barely making it to see the light of the next day. Until he was about 17 years old, when he'd found an extraordinary weapon buried in the rubble of the RHG Coliseum. This weapon seemed like any other geological landmark to anyone else, but Andre noticed something peculiar about this rock formation, As he approached the rock; it exploded in a fiery electric display releasing his destiny. FA Description Andre's powers are pretty simple as is he. He has brute strength and power. He wields a large electrically charged hammer. Strength to wield a mighty hammer that has electric strikes.
