Park Hyung Seok mbti kişilik türü


"Park Hyung Seok hangi kişilik türü? Park Hyung Seok, MBTI, - - 'de kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


Park Hyung Seok is an unpopular and bullied high school student who is looked down on by his fellow students for his obesity. Bullied and harassed every day by a delinquent, he takes out his anger verbally on his mother and asks for a school transfer. Resolving to run away from his problems and start anew, he moves to Seoul and plans to attend a new high school. A few nights before he begins school, however, he receives a new body that is tall, muscular, and handsome. When one body is in use, the other falls asleep; he can switch bodies by waking up the sleeping one.

Park Hyung Seok 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga

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