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Rain (New Timeline) mbti kişilik türü

Rain (New Timeline) mbti kişilik türü image


"Rain (New Timeline) hangi kişilik türü? Rain (New Timeline), MBTI, 3w4 - sp/sx - 378 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RLOEI, RLOEI, büyük 5, EIE' dır."

Ok so hear me out. First, I find his to easily be a perciever, with how he keeps changing his mind. One led by unhealthy Fi (Fi because morality made him change his mind again, unhealthy Fi because the self-focus manifests in a gigantic ego and also because his personal morality is twisted). He shifted his alliegence and life's goal more than once due to 3 things: 1. Following his own morality 2. Was manipulated 3. Huge ego He betrayed Outworld because of naivety and due to being manipulated, and because of massive ego and a wish to be powerful (if you know male INFPs in real life, you know this is typical and consistent. So typical, it could even be considered stereotypical). But then he kept prospecting, questioning, rethinking his decision, and shifted his goal again, based on morality. (Unhealthy?) Fi leading his Ne. From his dialogues, it shows that he at some point believed the experiments were justified - not conventional, socially acceptable morality, but one based on personal values, personal moral reasoning. An INTJ seems less likely to have been so easily manipulated, and much less likely to have changed his vision. Rain is too much of a follower to be an INTJ. But also too intense and personal-morality-focused to be an INTP.


As a student at Outworld’s exclusive Imperial Academy of Sorcery, Rain amazed his peers with his singular aptitude for water magic. Having honed his craft of water magic into a fierce weapon, he now hopes to learn the realms’ darkest and most powerful sorcery.

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