Rei Quatre mbti kişilik türü


"Rei Quatre hangi kişilik türü? Rei Quatre, MBTI, - - 'de kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


She largely acts as Rei II's body when on field operations, whether with the task force or piloting her Unit 0.0, which features a two seated cockpit either with Rei No. Trois or Shinji Ikari (similar to Kaworu Nagisa and Evangelion 13 in Rebuild). Despite claims these new clones lack self-awareness two of them develop relationships and one shows signs of a strong personality. Rei Quatre develops a close friendship with Shinji though Shinji couldn't tell if this was genuine or due to the mental influence of Rei II. In Volume 1, the Rei clones are said to begin undergoing a process called "mental contamination" in which they develop self awareness. For Rei Cinq and Rei Six they begin to develop personalities by comparison Rei Quatre goes rogue for initially unknown reasons and forces Shinji and Asuka to search for her.She is later captured by a brainwashed Ryoji Kaji, She later reappears after her capture by Kaji; verbalizing a deep hatred toward Shinji and repeatedly trying to kill him

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