Woong mbti kişilik türü


"Woong hangi kişilik türü? Woong, MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 'de ISTP kişilik türüdür, RCUAI, RCUAI, büyük 5, ' dır."

Why Ne over Se? INTPs have trouble achieving things due to PoLR Se. Woong is good at thinking of what he needs to do to achieve his goals of establishing his game company and winning over Yumi and manifesting those goals in an Ni and Se way. His ways of winning her over often amount to Se displays of wealth with his cars and appearance. Whereas his Ni can further be seen in that flowchart way of thinking where he narrows down to one option in an Ni way rather than an Ne way of branching out to more possibilities. His determination to win over Yumi and not consider other possibilities can be seen as PoLR Ne. All IxTPs have sixth slot Te which can further help with identifying what is necessary to achieve goals and act in the external world. Woong is a bit eccentric, but that can come from Ti use of internal logic that doesn't have to make sense to others rather than Ne. People may have voted him as INTP because he is weird, so they thought that must be Ne. Maybe not. He definitely has Fe and Fi low down in his stack since he is often oblivious to how others are feeling. Low Fi users behave negatively when their deeply internalized and often repressed inner values are threatened, whereas low Fe users become stressed when the harmony around them is upset. Woong is seen being confused when Yumi is upset rather than lashing out because his values are hurt. He did go cold to her in fights, but his response was that he wanted to make sure no one is hurt. Fi users can care about hurting others, of course, but Woong's patterns of behavior do not show good use of Fi. Even Woong's tantrums over not getting Yumi are more like ... a kid being upset they can't have a toy, rather than a response to Fi values being threatened.

