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Stray Kids mbti kişilik türü


"Stray Kids hangi kişilik türü? Stray Kids, MBTI, 4w3 - sp/sx - 641 'de ENFP kişilik türüdür, SLOAI, SLOAI, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

i don’t think INFP fits. stray kids’ main theme is about not fitting in anywhere, not having a place we’re you belong to and being an outcast from early on, a “stray kid”. chan said everyone can be a stray kid, and it’s not just them. this is why the fandom is called “stay”, “you make stray kids stay”, their fans are basically their safe space and give them place they belong to, and stray kids in return gives stay also a place of belonging. with that added, one of the main things that make them as popular as they are is they’re unique. their style, the way they were formed, their production and writing process, their genres. all of it stands out through uniqueness and innovation, if stray kids are one thing it’s definitely creative. because of the finding a place where you belong, the whole “I AM” series until “Levanter” displays a journey of finding yourself and staying true to yourself. it screams enneagram 4. i would say Fe and Ne is very evenly distributed in the whole thing. the unison, providing a shelter for others, staying with a community, as well as the creativity, uniqueness and interesting aspects of stray kids, screams Ne and Fe. i’ll say the concept of the band is ENFP 4w3.


Stray Kids (Korean: 스트레이 키즈), SKZ for short, is an eight-member South-Korean boy band that debuted on March 25, 2018 under JYP Entertainment. Unlike other JYPE groups, Stray Kids was not formed by the company and instead was put together by their leader, Bang Chan. While their main influences lie in hip-hop, their work is also heavily influenced by various offshoots of electronic music and any other genres that may catch their fancy. Their lyricism primarily draws upon personal experiences and feelings, with recurring themes of youth and the place of the young within society, and often delving into topics such as coming-of-age, mental health, alienation, expectations pushed upon young people and various social disparities. Previously, the group had nine members, but on October 28, 2019, member Woojin left the group. Members Bang Chan, Changbin and Han are part of a pre-debut hip hop trio named 3RACHA and also compose and produce the entirety of Stray Kids' discography.
