Justine Garcia mbti kişilik türü


"Justine Garcia hangi kişilik türü? Justine Garcia, MBTI, 2w3 - sp/sx - 278 'de ESFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ESE' dır."

She is no ESFP neither an E3. She is literally the embodiment of counter pride, thinking she has right above others either people aproves her attitude or not, she just want flatterly and superficial fame, typing someone an E3 just because they want a famous image is so 2020. "The proud arrogance of this character manifests itself above all in believing that what he wants or thinks must always be taken into account and confirmed. It is not that he believes he is intellectually right; it is rather the arrogance of one who claims the first place, a capricious haughtiness." "As a character based on the idealization of himself, he forgives everything. This forgiveness shows his intolerance of limits and reiterates his childish attitude, whereby everything must be allowed. He thus compensates for frustration or contact with low self-esteem, hidden by the permissiveness granted to a child. It is a trait in short circuit with the fear of being an adult." "In this subtype, pride is manifested as an impulse to be situated in front of others, to maintain scenarios of privilege in reality or imagination. They have a childlike aura, selfish, like the kid who feels righteous, and needs to be spoiled and looked at. They hide this position of dominance through involving the other in their greatness and portraying themselves as naturally empathetic. They need to be the “Center” (term of our choice) and to get it, they develop the most brilliant and seductive traits of their personality. They are equally charming with any person that they want to seduce in some way, no matter what social condition the other has." She is also ESFJ, she is manipulative, she makes her decisions based on established objectives, and I don't even need to mention how good she is with manipulating the emotional sphere, she is extremely rational/judgmental, this is a dominant Fe. Stop typing obvious ESFJs as ESFPs just because they don't fit the the pastry chef stereotype from 16p.

