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Clark Kent / Kal-El “Superboy-Prime” mbti kişilik türü

Clark Kent / Kal-El “Superboy-Prime” mbti kişilik türü image


"Clark Kent / Kal-El “Superboy-Prime” hangi kişilik türü? Clark Kent / Kal-El “Superboy-Prime”, MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 486 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, RLUEN, RLUEN, büyük 5, ESI' dır."


A younger version of Superman from the Alternate Universe of Earth-Prime, where (other than him) the only super-powered beings existed in comic books. Prime's world was destroyed in the Crisis on Infinite Earths and he took refuge in an extradimensional space with the Earth-2 Superman, Earth-2 Lois Lane, and Earth-3 Alexander Luthor Jr. Originally a noble and optimistic young hero, years of isolation and Alexander's manipulations turned Prime into a hateful monster who despised the "inferior" heroes of New Earth for being allowed to live while his world died.

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