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  3. Knights Of The Dinner Table

Robert Samuel "Bob" Herzog mbti kişilik türü

Robert Samuel "Bob" Herzog mbti kişilik türü image


"Robert Samuel "Bob" Herzog hangi kişilik türü? Robert Samuel "Bob" Herzog, MBTI, 1w2 - - 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."


Bob lives for gaming. He's a member of the "Old School" style of playing which revolves around killing people and breaking things. His short temper has led him into trouble on many occasions. He reacts to most encounters with "I waste him/her/it with my crossbow!". Bob is extremely protective of his large dice collection. At one point, Bob came into conflict with his father over gaming, given the option to straighten up and give up gaming, or move out. Being the true gamer, Bob did indeed move out, and is currently attempting to live on his own, but tends to spend his rent money on gaming paraphernalia. Bob's favourite character in fantasy campaigns is a dwarf named Knuckles (ranging from Knuckles, King of the Wall-climbers to Knuckles the Eighth), who rides a mule named "Little Mike" which he believes to be a "Dwarven Warhorse." Bob is in a relationship with Sheila Horowitz, a member of another Muncie gaming group, the Dorm Troopers; recent issues have shown the two apparently living

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