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Bête Noire (Betty) mbti kişilik türü


"Bête Noire (Betty) hangi kişilik türü? Bête Noire (Betty), MBTI, 8w7 - sp/so - 837 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SLOEN, SLOEN, büyük 5, SLE' dır."

At first I considered her ENFJ as my personal best option (because the fact that she generally plays with every character's emotions in every battle to get their souls made me think of Fe, since this cognitive function tend to focus on how other people feel), but now that I look clearly at the quantity of votes, ENTJ makes more sense as it has dominant Te (and for what I understand, Te users are often qualified as goal-oriented, which is something I see in Betty). Maybe the Fe thing is actually related to her ilusionary powers because abilities/skills =/= MBTI personality + (The fact that she focuses on a single idea makes me think that she is supported by her auxiliar Ni)


Bête Noire, often referred to as Betty, is the main antagonist of Season 2. She is a physical incarnation of the soul trait FEAR and was created to ensure humans and monsters will never live in peace. She seeks to gain the power to fulfill her purpose and is a spell that lacks certain human emotions. #NearPureEvils
