Lord Ledger mbti kişilik türü


"Lord Ledger hangi kişilik türü? Lord Ledger, MBTI, 9w1 - - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

He is trashy, ugly( in both looks & spirit), and an overrated cheater. Lady Danbury deserved better than this oaf. Full of Ni-Fe manipulation tactics used to excuse his cheating but is not Ti inferior. His inferior Se is prob why he was too much of a wimp to confront his horrible wife he CHOSE to marry and leave her and just had an affair to “escape” the situation instead. Him being unhealthy E9 is also why he turned to cheating & escapism to deal with the consequences of his poor choices rather than being a decent accountable adult and doing the necessary confrontation. he is no victim and deserved worse. a mediocre hUmAn all around thats only appealing to those with poor taste 🥴


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