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Caleb Widogast mbti kişilik türü

Caleb Widogast mbti kişilik türü image


"Caleb Widogast hangi kişilik türü? Caleb Widogast, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 541 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOAI, RLOAI, büyük 5, ILI' dır."

HEAVY SPOILERS FOR ALL OF C2 . . . . . I'm in agreement with the commenter below that typing traumatized characters as Si dom is a slippery slope. However, as the campaign wore on and Caleb grappled with the choice to travel back in time should the option present itself, we began to see him move forward with his new family. We saw the healthiest version of Caleb possible in the last third of the campaign and when he ultimately decided against it, we saw in the epilogue the potential he had for his future because he could finally buy into one. In that final third, although he was making steps to acknowledging his past more actively, Caleb was still dealing with the impact of Essek's betrayal, Astrid and Eadwulf's potential to be allies, and the inevitable confrontation with Ikithon. At the end of the story, Caleb is only taking his first steps towards healing. That being said, with the information we're given, Caleb does type as an ISTJ to me. So much of his life and many of his interactions are based in Si, and act as the primary source, along with some inferior (oft neglected) Ne, of how he communicates love to his friends: the dome slideshow, transmogrification spell, the tower, etc. Early on, we saw Caleb and Beau's tertiary function (Fi and Fe respectively) challenged a number of times and neither were, uh... effective communicators. They did get better, eventually. Caleb has a pretty well-developed auxiliary Te which allows him to be one of the most efficient and quick thinking members of the Nein (E42 Wall of Fire, anyone?). He acts as sort of the tertiary leader (leader in Veth's case) in most situations by providing tactical support to Fjord and Beau. His world is grounded and rarely deviates into the abstract, at least, outside of his own head or built into a gift for his friends. His mostly interior obsessiveness spent planning extensively over years to save his parents really shows that inferior Ne. ...Or, it's just the trauma. What do I know? I'm just avoiding other work by writing this instead.

