Paul Matthews mbti kişilik türü


"Paul Matthews hangi kişilik türü? Paul Matthews, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 692 'de ISTJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, LIE' dır."

paul shows Si in his routine with visiting the same coffee shop, being content with working a repetitive office job, and his general desire to be an ordinary guy. his no-nonsense and often inconsiderate attitude manifests as Te aux, as well as not understanding the complexities of other characters needs and values, reducing them to simply what is known on the surface. he struggles with knowing what he wants in life or having any real goals, which could be seen as a negligence of Te in service to his stubborn Si values of keeping what works. he might be subconsciously connecting musicals as a whole to the idea of new experiences + the unknown, so he seeks to deny himself of everything in that vein. he unfortunately only starts to consider many possibilities at the end of the musical, where he is effectively a different character altogether/deep in an Ne grip.


A normal guy whose main defining characteristic is his dislike of musicals.

Paul Matthews 'e benzer karakterler Tiyatro
