Go mbti kişilik türü


"Go hangi kişilik türü? Go, MBTI, 5w4 - sp/so - 538 'de INTJ kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, ILE' dır."

I am a chess player fairly or above average and I can without a doubt claim that this Go game is far more difficult and frustrating to play. Chess is a balance of strategic maneuverings and tactics, and to some extent race against time. Go is more about strategic depth, long-term planning, abstract intuitive thinking, and finding hidden information. A move or two moves can turn the tables or balance of power in chess while its a very very slow buildup in Go. You can pinpoint and realize a blunder or mistake in chess while playing and may get an opportunity to rectify that blunder or mistake. One mistake in chess, its game over. I would say one cannot pinpoint exact mistake in Go, even if one pinpoints or realize mistake it'll be too late. When calculating chess I'll calculate possibilities, here in Go its sometimes more like gut feelings "ill place the pebble on this square for no apparent reason, its just because I feel its more suitable to place on this cross" Its really an extremely boring, different and more intuitive abstracted game.

