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Kumoko "Shiraori / I" mbti kişilik türü

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"Kumoko "Shiraori / I" hangi kişilik türü? Kumoko "Shiraori / I", MBTI, 5w6 - sp/sx - 594 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RCUEI, RCUEI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

She's INTP 101% Let's compare introversion with extroversion. The following do not define an extrovert: 1. Talking to oneself. 2. Talkative when with the people they know and trust. 3. Talking much when it's a topic of one's interest. The following defines an extrovert: 1. Wanting to contribute in a conversation even if it's not their area of expertise. 2. More excited to work in group setting. 3. Debates and collect their thoughts by bouncing it on someone. She's not ENTP, because: 1. She is not extroverted. INTP is childish and playful when alone but serious and reserved when with other people. ENTP is childish and playful when with other people but reserved and serious when alone. Eg Howard Wolowitz(The Big bang theory) Reason: Ne determines their playfulness, Ti determines their seriousness. And the slave(auxillary function) is presented when one is in a familiar situation. Thus, Shiraori Kumoko is playful when she's alone. She never acted childishly in the presence of Ariel and others. Ariel is ENTP, SHIRAORI Kumoko IS INTP. 2. She has a balanced Ne-Si axis Your dominant function suppresses its counterpart. A Ne dom will suppress Si, that's why they're solely future-oriented, eg Ariel is hell bent on saving the world by killing Potimas. But Kumoko is not very invested in it, she immediately familiarize her past life with the present. That requires a well balancing between Ne and Si. Ne and Si can only be well-balanced when it's in auxiliary and child function( x-Ne-Si-x OR x-Si-Ne-x) implying that the only personalities with a balance past and future orientation are INTP, INFP, ISFJ and ESTJ. Kumoko is prospecting which means she uses INtuition, but she's not INFP because INFP has inferior function of Te making them afraid of the outside world simply because they don't understand the thinking of the world that surrounds them. Kumoko literally was dying to get out of the great Elroe labyrinth. 3. Identity crisis(self vs tribe) All personalities that leads with judging introverted dominant functions(Ti and Fi) are always sure about their identity but have trouble in visualizing themselves in the world setting. Eg. I) I'm very right about how the world works,  but why can't the world agree with me? (This is an INTP's demon) II) I know how I feel about the world but why does the world not feel the same way? (This is INFP's demon) And their conclusion is that: THE WORLD IS UNFAIR AND UNFORGIVING All she said during the demonlord's strategy meeting was "No problem with the 10th corp", she's too lazy to even seem interested; an INTJ would be very active demonstrating his strategic prowess. Kumoko said "The gods are unfair, how can they make Sophia a vampire and Me a spider". I still insist with this analysis that Shiraori Kumoko(Wakaba) is 101% INTP


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