Choi Seung-Hyo mbti kişilik türü


"Choi Seung-Hyo hangi kişilik türü? Choi Seung-Hyo, MBTI, 6w5 - sp/sx - 'de INFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, EII' dır."

In case you can’t see his Fe these are some I can think of so far(2 episodes) He has many many Fe moments but one good example is when he quickly notices she wants to cry but is laughing as a defense mechanism so he holds down the umbrella he tried so much to buy 5 minutes ago just so that the girl is comfortable enough to cry. Or when he left everything to just design her room although his corporation was on the verge of bankruptcy. (kind INTJs say I will quickly design her room after work they don’t suddenly sacrifice their job ) How he went along with the box thing on the spot and lied although they were kinda enemies. How he couldn’t let the girl go without her eating something so he quickly went to bring her sth to eat at the party. How he would still help her although she was forcing him. (INTJ usually says “dude I don’t wanna I’m going.” If they are uncomfortable) How he is literally killing himself to look like a good boy in front of her mom although it’s completely unnecessary(for Ni-Fe it’s normal to be a people pleaser for Ni-Te not if there’s a goal) How he was kinda taking a beating for her although he could just ditch and go away like any typical INTJ. In case of kind INTJ, he would try to use Ni-Te and convince the mom. Just taking the beating and shouting OUCH OUCH is not really INTJ.

