Kamal Haasan mbti kişilik türü


"Kamal Haasan hangi kişilik türü? Kamal Haasan, MBTI, 8w9 - - 'de ENTP kişilik türüdür, RCOEI, RCOEI, büyük 5, ' dır."

definitely a ENTP for sure. i thought he was INTP at first. but I thought abt his old movies, the project that he started and abandoned, his sarcastic comedies in his movies, the fact that he has interest in many things like acting, direction, singing, lyrics, writing etc etc. He is naturally a polymath. i came to conclusion he is ENTP. He definitely struggles controlling his Extroverted intuition (Ne) while he speaks. I can see the struggle. Extroverted intuition is like a monkey 🙊 . you have to control it while you speaking or esle you will end being seen as stupid or eccentric. I myself struggle with this. Coming up with logical answers for everything is his Introverted thinking (Ti) influence. He leans to his Ti while shutting his Ne. Thats why he kind of speaks slowly. Carefully filtering the words. What surprises is even at this age. he still struggles to control his Ne 😂😂. I don't knw why. As we grow older we eventually learn how to control it. Looks like his Ne is so strong it seems. Also kamal's Fe also seems weak. I would like to mention Vijay sethupathi here. He is ENTP too. But he has mastered himself. he has great control over is Ne. He knows where to use his Ne and Ti. And is Extroverted feeling (Fe) is very well developed. Introverted sensing (Si) is the only thing he struggles.


Kamal Haasan 'a benzer kişiler Pop kültürü
