Paladin mbti kişilik türü


"Paladin hangi kişilik türü? Paladin, MBTI, 1w2 - - 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

Here's my analysis of each paladin subclass in Dungeons and Dragons 5E and what typology fits them the best Oath of Devotion: Since it's the archetypal paladin everything I'm voting for is for Oath of devotion. Oath of the Ancients: ENFJ, So/Sx 7w6, 721, IEE, EN(F), Sanguine, SCOAI Oath of Vengeance: ISFP, Sp/Sx 4w3, 415, LSI, IF(S), Melancholic-Choleric, RLOEN Oath of the Crown: ISTJ, So/Sx 6w5, 612, LSE, ET(S), Melancholic-Phlegmatic, RCOEN Oath of Conquest: ENTJ, Sx/So 1w2, 137, LIE, ET(N), Choleric-Melancholic, SLOEN Oath of Redemption: ESFJ, So/Sx 9w1, 926, SEE, EF(S), Sanguine, SCOAN Oath of Glory: ENFJ, So/Sp 2w3, 287, EIE, EN(F), Sanguine-Choleric, SCUAI Oath of the Watchers: INTJ, Sx/So 6w5, 614, LII, IT(N), Melancholic, RCOEI


Holy warriors bound to sacred oaths, Paladins swear to uphold justice and righteousness wherever they walk and to stand with the good things of the world against the encroaching darkness. Or at least most of them do. Paladins train for years to master their weapons and the combat arts to hunt and destroy the forces of evil where they lurk.
