Jen Lindley mbti kişilik türü


"Jen Lindley hangi kişilik türü? Jen Lindley, MBTI, 6w7 - sx/sp - 648 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, RLUEI, RLUEI, büyük 5, ESI' dır."

Fe? Really? How? Her character practically screams Fi dom. She's rebellious against authority, sticks up for what she believes in, is only guided by her own values, and has no respect for social conventions. Even in the very first episode, her grandma nearly begs her to go to church and Jen won't do it because she doesn't believe. Even goes as far as to say that she'll go to church if her grandma says the word "p*nis", which made her ISFJ grandma physically cringe. Her Fi is most evident when compared to her Fe grandma. Also, I can't see Ne as inferior no matter how hard I try.


portrayed by #MichelleWilliams
