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Mirai Kakehashi mbti kişilik türü

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"Mirai Kakehashi hangi kişilik türü? Mirai Kakehashi, MBTI, 9w1 - sp/so - 954 'de INFP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, EII' dır."

Finished the Metropoliman Arc in the manga as of writing this comment. Fi > Fe; his moral code may state that for him to be happy, others must be happy too, which sounds like Fe. However, this moral code is not the product of Mirai's cognitive functions, it was recited to him by his deceased mother, which is why he holds it in high regard, which is FiSi nostolgia. Aux Ne shown in spades with his general indecisive behavior, whether in general or on purpose. You can clearly see it clashing against Mukaido, who values Ni and has little Ne as an ISTP. Enneagram a bit of a mixed bag. I agree with the general 9-5-4 as that is the withdrawn triad and Mirai is an absolute shut-in. The mangaka is the same as Death Note which has always had an intellectual edge to it (competence triad {1, 3, 5}), however Mirai is no Light, we're not given as many insights into his thought process, only seeing the fruits of his schemes when they unfold, and even then they're usually not that good.


Mirai Kakehashi 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
