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Samaira "Sam" Dean mbti kişilik türü

Samaira "Sam"  Dean mbti kişilik türü image


"Samaira "Sam" Dean hangi kişilik türü? Samaira "Sam" Dean, MBTI, 2w1 - so/sp - 378 'de ENFJ kişilik türüdür, SCUAI, SCUAI, büyük 5, ' dır."

𝐒𝐚𝐦 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐄𝐍𝐅𝐉. 🗡 Edit: I made arguments for those who voted for ESFP or ESFJ. ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ First, we have to remember that Sam is unstable and a bit crazy. She's the typical popular girl in school. Not like that humanitarian cheerleader, like Chrissy from Stranger Things. She's more like the cool girl that everyone likes because she's nice. She seems like the typical ENFJ with a laid-back vibe that anyone could have a crush on. >>>Fe dom: Sam shows a strong emphasis on others. She believes that others deserve to be complimented and that everyone has something worth digging into, as evidenced by all the scenes where she's going around complimenting people to get to know them and make them feel special in their own way. She demonstrates a strong focus on status, and this helps her reprimand bullies like that scene at the mall with Josh. Additionally, Sam seeks authenticity. Many might see this as Fi, which is why there are votes for ESFP. She also seems to display a strong disposition in the physical and sensory world, as evidenced by her clothes, style, and other things. However, this search seems more like a blind Fi. I interpreted this search as an expression of her desire to connect with others and foster meaningful relationships, which to me seemed like Fe dom. Her dominant Fe could overshadow her blind Fi, making her WANT to stand out and accept herself in her own way, but CONFUSED and UNABLE to step away from a norm that others have already understood about her. >>>Ni aux: Although Sam may initially be seen with "superficial sympathy," the way she was described in the pool scene reveals an underlying complexity in her way of thinking and acting. She wants to understand the deeper nuances of herself and others, suggesting an ability to look beyond superficial appearances and seek deeper, more subjective meanings. Her reluctance to accept traditional labels and challenge social norms are examples of how she uses her intuition to explore new perspectives and possibilities. For some reason, some people voted ESFJ, but she is NOT Si aux. The reason: Those who voted for ESFJ probably based it on Sam's friendly and likable appearance. They are IGNORING the fact that Sam ACTIVELY challenges traditional social norms and refuses to conform to predetermined expectations of how a woman should behave. Her independence, courage, and determination to be true to herself are characteristics that go beyond the typical profile of an ESFJ, who, through their Si, generally appreciates conformity and tradition. In the pool scene, she hesitates about going to prom, saying, "prom queen with roses? how obvious." Therefore, arguing that Sam is an ENFJ, with her focus on social harmony and her search for meaning and authenticity, seems more consistent with her description and her role in the story.

