Alexis Rose mbti kişilik türü


"Alexis Rose hangi kişilik türü? Alexis Rose, MBTI, 7w8 - sx/so - 783 'de ESFP kişilik türüdür, SCUEN, SCUEN, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

im loving how the vast majority of people on this show are fe blind or have low fe and thats whats kinda cool about it. the whole premise is basically these rich people that are fe blind asf who really dont care about other peoples values, moving into a town where they have to adjust to the whole idea of fe. its honestly really interesting putting it that way. in terms of alexis, this girl does not care whatsover about people around her and what they think. girlbossing tbh. she has no need for their validation, her own self value is enough to go off of. similar things can be said with the rest of the roses, like moira, who is similar in alexis in the way that they both dgaf ab other peoples opinion of them. david, on the other hand, is more self conscious, but still doesnt care about social values, he just likes to be seen in some sort of positive light. in the end it still doesnt matter to him bcs his whole character does have to do with the fact that hes so individualistic and has such unique beliefs that he is strictly proud of johnny probably has the best fe out of the 4 of them, and that aint saying much. he might have fe in his function stack, im still debating it, but as of now, ISTJ seems ok. he doesnt really derive his values from his surroundings, they are his own and he values that above all, but he does recognize people around him and how they feel more than the rest, which can sort of be a sign of actualy having the highest te, in a way. im just writing a rant tbh


Johnny and Moira's bratty daughter, who struggles to find her calling in life.
