Andromeda mbti kişilik türü


"Andromeda hangi kişilik türü? Andromeda, MBTI, 5w4 - - 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, , , büyük 5, ' dır."

I just watched Pen Pals recently, which I felt was a poignant and beautifully written episode that will speak to a lot of people. It certainly helped me better understand Andromeda and her motivations, and I could honestly relate a lot to her struggles as a misunderstood outcast who just wanted to be accepted for who she was. To me, I wouldn’t say Andromeda’s hardships are necessarily due to shyness, as she showed that she was willing to defend her beliefs against those 3 kids that didn’t appreciate her love for Goat Girl at the museum she volunteered at. On the contrary, I feel that Andromeda’s problem is her self-consciousness, as unlike her best friend Tilly, who marches to the beat of her own drum and never seems to seek approval from others, she feels burdened by her weirdness and doesn’t seem to fully embrace it. Andromeda is truly just an oddity in my opinion who has her own way of seeing things, which is why she struggles to form meaningful connections with others. Unlike Tilly, who is more confident socially and tends to mask some of her weird, dark traits to appear more acceptable in certain settings, she displays her quirks openly and doesn’t try to hide them, which makes others seem repelled from her. This makes me assume that Andromeda was perhaps bullied and constantly rejected by society for much of her life, as she wasn’t given the unconditional positive regard from others that Tilly received from her own family, which made her who she is. I believe this is likely the reason she appears aloof much of the time and has trust issues, which was shown in Gargoyle Gals when she first met Tilly. I feel that in the two girls being separated by such a long distance, they essentially lost a true companion in a way, and in Andromeda’s case, she lost the one actual friend she really had, as well as the only person who could understand her weirdness on a deeper level and not discriminate against her for it. It was honestly very sweet to me however that the two of them preferred to preserve that beautiful connection they had through handwritten letters rather than technology, and I feel that Tilly’s influence in the future will continue helping her understand that it is ok to be different and that it doesn’t make her unlovable, hence making her more secure in her own skin.

