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  3. FPJ’s Batang Quiapo

Hesus Dimaguiba "Tanggol" mbti kişilik türü

Hesus Dimaguiba "Tanggol" mbti kişilik türü image


"Hesus Dimaguiba "Tanggol" hangi kişilik türü? Hesus Dimaguiba "Tanggol", MBTI, 8w7 - so/sx - 648 'de ESTP kişilik türüdür, SCUEN, SCUEN, büyük 5, ' dır."

This is the Social 8 description: "When lust meets the social instinct, it manifests as passionate and possessive nature of bonds with others, attempting to keep those they consider weaker happy. However, this isn't a necessarily sweet character, the SO8 often feels as if it's tasked to be the protector of the weak, they also idealize the idea of trust and friendship and once that bond is broken they might not ever forgive and turn to aggression. They are often compared to a person standing up to a higher force to protect those below. Some SO8s can also get lost in this idea of revenge that they forget that those who they are protecting are, in fact, people, and because of that can end up using those "below" as justification for their outbursts. They are also hypocritical in a sense that while they claim to go against conflict, they can produce more of it. In short, this subtype sees themselves as a protector or a buddy, using that as justification for their actions" How the heck is Tanggol an E6? He was never scared of the unknown. He was never fear driven. In fact, the description above perfectly encapsulates Tanggol's character. He always finds trouble because of his fixation of rebellion. And because of his neurosis to social subtype he uses the people around him as a justification to exhaust lust. Lust not meaning sex but in search for an intensity in life that will drown out the noise of an empty existence. Since he was a child, he didn't understand why his father Rigor is always mad at him and why his mother Marites is distant from him compared to other parents who love their child. Because of this emptiness, he is now fallen on the trap of E8 which is Justice. Justice which is defined as being aware of living in a very unjust world, he is very sensitive to any unfair actions or thoughts directed at him. His immediate response is that of revenge. He always thought that he was at a disadvantage from his parents unfair treatment, to his place of living which has no opportunities leaving him to a subjective distortion of reality that he must live according to one's impulses and desires, which stems from having to fight for this right very early on in childhood. Also known as the fixation of E8: Rebellion.


Hesus Nazareno Dimaguiba "Tanggol" is the protagonist of FPJ's Batang Quiapo. He is the product of forced intercourse and experiences many beatings and abuse from Rigor, his step-father. Tanggol's biological father is Ramon Montenegro (Played by Coco Martin as well in his younger years). #NearPureGood

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