Izana Kurokawa mbti kişilik türü


"Izana Kurokawa hangi kişilik türü? Izana Kurokawa, MBTI, 4w3 - sx/sp - 487 'de ENTJ kişilik türüdür, SLUEI, SLUEI, büyük 5, SEE' dır."

Izana is an unhealthy counterphobic 6 — He comes across as this tough, assertive, bold human being who does not need to depend on anyone, but deep inside he has always desperately craved for a sense of belonging and a loving family to seek a sense of security in. However, Izana never had the chance to have that loving family and experienced abandonment and hurt in the past. Because of that, he continuously puts up this "I don't need anyone!" facade and pushes everyone away. Due to the abandonment and hurt he experienced in the past, he is extremely paranoid and suspicious of everything and everyone to protect himself. (Which is why he may seem like an core 8, but it's just a tough front he puts up) Counterphobic Sixes try to keep up an image of independence on the surface; a tough exterior to shield their persistent internal uncertainty — They often view the world as a place of danger, anyone outside of the Six's circle of trust is a potential threat. As a child, the Six may have grown up in an unsafe environment, had overprotective guardians, or experienced a traumatic event that shaped their worldview. (Cited source from Truity) In Chapter 174, during the confrontation between Mikey & Izana, Mikey questioned Izana "If only you could've opened up your heart...Emma and I would've been happy to take you in." Izana responded with "Shut up. Don't say it like as if you'd know." "SHUT UP!" Izana reacted this way because he was extremely suspicious of Mikey's intentions as his defense mechanism. In Chapter 173, Izana exclaimed "Sh*t like trust and friendship are just delusions!" Because of this unhealthy belief Izana has, he pushes everyone including Mikey away. Izana probably assumes that everyone has ulterior motives, when Mikey all along could have loved Izana like his own brother if Izana lets Mikey in. Izana even hallucinated dead Emma & dead Shinichiro siding with Mikey (Ch 174), because he assumes that they will side Mikey and abandon him too. Izana may fit in the sx 4 descriptions because of the hatred and envy he battles deep inside (He hated and envied Mikey because he falsely assumed that Shinichiro favours Mikey over him, and fears that Shinichiro would abandon him). He wanted that family love that others have but he never got a chance to have, but he isn't a core 4. Deep down, Izana just wants to be unconditionally loved by his family, but he is too scared of getting hurt and abandoned again, and thinks seeking revenge can compensate for the family love that he lacked. He wanted Mikey to experience the same emptiness he felt, so he killed Emma, taking away Mikey's only family member left. And of course, Mikey eventually felt empty when Emma passed on. In Chapter 176, Izana saves Kakucho and told him "You're the only one I have." Kakucho was that one person that stood by Izana, their bonds as orphans solidified their trust for each other. Izana struggled with a fear of abandonment because his mom abandoned him in the past before Shinichiro took him in. He was extremely devastated when he learnt that he was not even blood related to his mother at all. Thus, this caused Izana to be extremely cautious and fearful of letting people in. He sadly never got the chance to experience the love and security he longed for from Mikey and Emma, RIP Izana. /Damn, writing this made me sad lmao. Jeez. This guy just wanted to seek refuge in a family. Someone give this dead man a hug pls.


Izana Kurokawa 'e benzer karakterler Anime ve Manga
