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Five Nights at Freddy’s mbti kişilik türü

Five Nights at Freddy’s mbti kişilik türü image


"Five Nights at Freddy’s hangi kişilik türü? Five Nights at Freddy’s, MBTI, 5w6 - sp/so - 584 'de INTP kişilik türüdür, RCUEI, RCUEI, büyük 5, LII' dır."

Idk but the fact that the Saga has a bunch of theories and stuff, you have to theorize a lot and connect everything to see if it connects w each other and etc is correlated to Ti for me. Also, the theories aren’t rlly direct and are sometimes very abstract, the storyline doesn’t appear very concrete for me (except the very obvious parts), there are MANY speculations and you can speculate a lot (for example who’s x person), you have to connect the dots for yourself, each day and moment people are making up theories and conclusions that some appear very logical but are too random (in the sense that’s based on just linking things together and you don’t even know if it’s accurate, but it makes sense), there are many possibilities in general in those theories (some can be accurate, some not etc, the only way to know it is analyzing everything to see if it makes sense or it’s already confirmed), some theories and stuff aren’t even confirmed to be true even if they’re very logical (again to the point that many theories are very abstract and not concrete), some details/things are just straight up confusing & you have to think stuff. This doesn’t seem Se for me, so INTP makes sense ig? Also if anything’s incorrect here or whatever then tell me idk

