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Ember Lumen mbti kişilik türü

Ember Lumen mbti kişilik türü image


"Ember Lumen hangi kişilik türü? Ember Lumen, MBTI, 6w7 - so/sp - 631 'de ESTJ kişilik türüdür, RLOAN, RLOAN, büyük 5, LSE' dır."

I see you, ISTJ votes, but consider the following - sometimes you must look to the narrative to see a character's role in their own story. I'll illustrate my point of view as to why Ember is an ESTJ rather than an ISTJ here. Te - Keen decision making abilities. Ember most often effectively makes use of her immediate environment to create elegant solutions. This is demonstrated in almost every situation she gets herself in except when interfacing with other people (Fi/Fe Inf/Blind.) Such examples include creating tempered glass from sandbags to hold the dam, melting the pipes to stop the water leaks, and recreating the vase from the broken glass pieces at the dinner party. Many other small moments compound together to create an effective and efficient Te-user. Why dominant? Her unique use of Ne - which she has no issues with, and where her hidden talents of glass-making originate from. Si - Detail-oriented and adept organizational abilities. A big part of her character is deriving her choices from what she already knows, and what she can organize in her mind. She knows what deliveries to make to what people very quickly without needing a list, and she goes through the proper channels to get things done. She's also very attached to her traditions (blue flame, taking over shop,) and she finds it difficult to waver away from them. But not to the point where she strictly follows them. She bends them in her time of need - which is what makes this an Aux instead of a Dom function. Ne - Enjoys creativity and the combination of ideas together. Ember is able to play around with different ideas and make things work together in a playful way. The main symbol for her tertiary Ne is her admiration of the vivisteria plant - a plant that can thrive in any environment. Additionally, her adaptation with using what she has in her immediate environment and create new things such as the tempered-glass wall from the sandbags show a natural use of tertiary Ne. Fi - Ember ultimately struggles to understand herself and her true desires during the movie, which is indicative of inferior Fi. Quick to anger about her father's shop, and unable to share personal values with others show a weak understanding of her internal moral harmony. Additionally, Ember's personal journey throughout the movie was about overcoming the values placed upon her from the expectations of her family, and instead create new values from living her life. The big symbol of this is her misinterpretation of her father's dream. The shop was not the dream, Ember was the dream. Once she realizes she can have her own desires outside of the expectation of her family, her character arc reaches it's finale. Ember is an ESTJ that uses her immediate environment with what she knows she can do, and can leverage her imagination to create unique solutions. However, throughout the movie she learns to create her own internal motivations outside of the motivations bestowed on her by her parents.


“I've been trying to fill my father's shoes but I never once asked what I wanted to do.” Ember Lumen is a clever 20-something fire woman with a great sense of humor who can be hot-headed at times. What she lacks in patience she more than makes up for in love for her family. As the only child of immigrant parents, Ember is keenly aware of how much they sacrificed to give her a better life. She's determined to prove herself to them and looks forward to taking over the family business, Fireplace, when her father, Bernie, retires.

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